
Kai Buehler Matches Businesses, Users and Charities on Causora

Kai Buehler
IMG: via Business Rockstars

Social Enterprise Causora launched its first crowd funding campaign earlier this month.  The Causora site, which went live in March this year, was created as a way to provide incentives for people to give more charity by rewarding them with gift cards.  The crowdfunding platform now allows nonprofits to create a campaign for direct donations.  The crowdfunding campaign comes from the Child Abuse Prevention Center for its Dollars for Diapers program.  The goal is to raise $2,500 in 60 days in order to provide low income families with diapers and other supplies.  Causora was founded by Kai Buehler, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur.

To learn more about Kai Buehler and Causora, head over to our profile.