In the world of not-for-profit fundraising, smaller startups and nonprofit organizations often minimize the pool of donors that they reach out to, simply because donations from more prominent donors seem unattainable. As Forbes contributor Tom Watson explains, “At the top end, philanthropy is a disproportionate business. The largest funders, the big foundations, the massive fortunes and their grant officers enjoy a position of power over nonprofits and social entrepreneurs that’s similar – if not more dominant – to the venture capital and startup equation,” of the disparate nature of philanthropy.
However, one startup is breaking all the rules as it challenges the big funders to ante up for causes of all kinds. It’s called Inside Philanthropy, and was founded by social entrepreneur David Callahan, the man behind Demos and author of “The Cheating Culture,” a book that explores why humans cheat to get ahead in finance and economics. Inside Philanthropy is a website that provides news on philanthropic trends, information about major donors, and uses a ratings system to evaluate philanthropic foundation program officers. Inside Philanthropy promotes transparency in the charitable sector, and is bridging the gap between big and small donors, in hopes of leveling the philanthropic playing field.
In a recent interview, Callahan commented on the ways in which major philanthropists hold back so much. He says, “I’m continually blown away by the sheer amount of money waiting in the wings and how even major philanthropists like George Soros and Pierre Omidyar have barely scratched the surface in giving away their fortunes.” Callahan notes that not all philanthropists are like this, however. “Bill Gates is a great example,” he says. “He’s given away more money than anyone, but he keeps getting richer [and] is now sitting on $79 billion. The philanthropy we’ve seen in recent years is nothing compared to what’s coming.”
Inside Philanthropy is a small company that is focused on the big money that exists within the philanthropic sector. By sharing information about huge donors and remaining transparent, Callahan hopes to inspire even more giving around the world, but keeping major philanthropists honest about their generosity.
Learn more at www.insidephilanthropy.com.