John Prendergast has authored and coauthored nearly a dozen books about ending violence in Africa. In 2007 and 2010 he coauthored nonfiction works with actor and philanthropist Don Cheadle about ending genocide in Darfur, both which made bestseller lists and reached thousands of people. Not only is he an author, but a human rights campaign leader, an advisor to prominent philanthropists, and a hands-on leader whose vast knowledge about violence in Africa has allotted him great success in his peace-oriented initiatives.
Of working with prominent public figures and celebrities Prendergast has said, “I think stars can make a huge difference and bring a spotlight. They’re also master recruiters. When people who otherwise don’t have any idea what’s happening in the world are asked by celebrities to get involved, they become activists.” Many celebrities reserve a portion of their wealth to donate to causes like ones Prendergast has championed. Donated funds are not all that he is interested in acquiring however; rather, it’s the personal connections he can make with influential people that will really allow for raised awareness and change.
2007 was also the year that the Enough Project launched, an initiative that fights to end genocide and crimes against humanity where some of the world’s worst atrocities occur. The Enough Project was co-founded by Prendergast and fellow Africa expert Gayle Smith, who work with policy makers, concerned citizens, and a growing number of public figures and celebrity philanthropists to bring peace to places like the Congo and Darfur. Prendergast has been able to create a number of other campaigns under the Enough Project umbrella. According to the project,
“With George Clooney, he co-founded the Satellite Sentinel Project, which aims to prevent conflict and human rights abuses through satellite imagery. With Tracy McGrady and other NBA stars, John launched the Darfur Dream Team Sister Schools Program to fund schools in Darfurian refugee camps and create partnerships with schools in the United States. Through the Enough Project, he conceived the Raise Hope for Congo Campaign, highlighting the issue of conflict minerals that fuel the war there and supporting a more comprehensive peace process…”
These are just three examples of the dozens of initiatives Prendergast has supported and conceived since the Enough Project launched. His energy is fueled by a want for peace in Africa and countries that are plagued by violence and human rights violations. In dedicating his life to improving those of others, he truly is a model activist, and philanthropist.
For more information about the Enough Project and its celebrity involvement, visit the official website.