Phillip Baldwin currently serves as the chair of the board at United Way, but his philanthropic tendencies reach even further. Baldwin began his career as an accountant with Ernst and Young, and he has applied his professional talents to making the world a better place.
His talents are reflected by the many awards he has received from business organizations: for example, he was named Economic Developer of the Year in Arkansas. Phillip Baldwin’s most notable impact involves CredAbility, a nonprofit credit counseling agency which seeks to help those in financial trouble work their way back toward a normal life. As President of CredAbility, he has applied his talent in the business world to helping those in need. He has also financially supported and advocated for the rejuvenation of rural communities through The NEXT American Opportunity, a group which seeks to “promote affordable housing; protect the environment; revitalize rural America; strengthen the nonprofit sector; and maximize the leverage of public investment.”
Through Phillip Baldwin’s work at United Way, CredAbility, and The NEXT American Opportunity, he has given hope to Americans everywhere.