Marie-Josee Kravis could almost be considered a deity in the art world. A sharp-witted journalist, knowledgable economist, and experienced political strategist, Mrs. Kravis had many options for areas in which she could fruitfully allocate her professional time. However, these no-nonsense career paths each eventually took a backseat to Marie-Josee’s passion for the arts. With her knack for business and respect for art of all styles, Mrs. Kravis currently serves as President of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City. Though she and her husband contribute sizable sums of money to art-based organizations including the New York City Ballet, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Lincoln Center for Performing Arts, and the Metropolitan Opera, they keep New York’s impoverished communities in mind too. The Kravises support the Robin Hood Foundation, which combats poverty in New York, and several other philanthropic organizations.
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