You might feel like you’re willing to do a lot for a cause or for the good of the planet. Would you live in a dumpster for 12 months or teach classes in one? Probably not. That’s what sets Dr. Jeffrey Wilson, a.k.a. “Professor Dumpster,” apart from the rest of us.
Mr. Wilson is an environmental science professor at Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, Texas. Wilson has plans to spend the next year doing as much as humanly possible in what amounts to a shipping crate. The crazy news is that his employer is totally in on the plan.
The university has agreed to allow Wilson to teach classes, from within his 33 foot crate, on how to convert spaces such as his into “livable,” eco-friendly dwellings. He plans to first camp out in a sleeping bag on the metal floor of the empty structure which is about one percent the size of a modern American home.
However, here’s where the plan gets interesting. Wilson and his students will start making adjustments over time. They will add in energy efficient light bulbs, nano-insulation, and an energy-producing toilet. Taking what they’ve learned, the students are expected to go make energy-efficient switches in their dorm rooms.
According to Wilson, “What we are talking about right now is to start a green movement within historically black colleges and universities (of which Huston-Tillotson is one), and become the flagship school of that, under an initiative called ‘Green is the New Black.’”
If all goes according to plan, Wilson would like to take his show on the road and teach local elementary schools about how to be more sustainable. He feels like the next generation could be the one to change things.
Is there anyone not completely jazzed by Wilson’s rather unusual choice of residence? Wilson’s ex-wife has already said their six-year-old daughter will not sleep in a dumpster, period. I’m going to go out on a limb and say I agree with the ex, as far as children are concerned.
Anyone else willing to give it a try? If so, it’s a great way to save money on energy, heating, and pretty much every other cost. Perhaps you could even do it to raise money for a great charity.