Millennials, those people who are now between the ages of 18 and 34, tend to get a bad wrap. They are often accused of not working hard enough, or expecting too much out of the opportunities they do have. Some older folk seem to think that all millennials are self-important children, who think they’re important or special because they all got participation awards when they were young (given to them, ironically enough, by the same generations that are complaining about it now).
But millennials have inherited a pretty broken economy, a faltering infrastructure, and a generally terrible job market. Millennials are often underemployed, with many working multiple jobs to make ends meet. Despite all this though, many still find time to help out in their communities.
According to a study from Achieve, a research agency, 77% of millennials would prefer to donate their time and find a charity they can help with a skill or expertise they’ve developed. Considering that many millennials are over-educated and underemployed, this isn’t terrible surprising. It’s easier to help out than to donate money, and it’s generally more personally rewarding.
The study also found that millennials tended to focus their energy on charities which were related to issues that directly affect people in their lives. Doing so allows them to bring a level of passion to their work that older volunteers may lack. These young people know that things aren’t perfect for them, and that it could be worse, and often is for people in their own communities or families.
In light of this new information, maybe it’s time people let up on millennials? They’ve been handed a rough situation and told it’s their own fault, but they’re not only making the best they can in those circumstances, some of them are also managing to help others at the same time.