News Organizations

How Does Google Support Philanthropy?

Ever wonder what Google does with all of their money, beyond paying someone to design interesting versions of their logo for special events? And beyond paying their employees and funding new projects and the other things that huge tech companies do, of course? Well they donate a lot of it to charities, often choosing to […]


New “Bipartisan” Education Site Seems to Lack Bipartisanship

Campbell Brown, former CNN host, is starting a new non-profit education site called The Seventy Four which, while focusing on news, will not shy away from advocacy. The site’s goal is to provide an add-free, donation-funded portal for education news, but it will likely come under criticism early on. Teachers unions have argued that much […]

News Organizations

Ridgewood Foundation Raises Private Funds for Education Excellence

The Ridgewood Foundation was founded in 1989 by community leaders who wanted to help raise funds to promote educational opportunities for students in New Jersey. In particular, the Foundation focuses on STEM education and helping get students the technology they need to be successful in today’s world. Foundation leadership, including J.C. Flowers Managing Director John […]


New Drug Program Makes Waves in Massachusetts

The Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative in Gloucester, Massachusetts, is making waves not only there, but in Boston and elsewhere. The small seaside town of 29,000 has been dealing with drug problems for a while now, and the police are finding that arresting users over and over again, or coercing them into treatment plans, […]

News Organizations

Walmart Accused of Using Charities to Buy Support

Community groups and organizers have accused Walmart of using charitable donations to try and buy support for the company. They claim that the Walmart Foundation has been increasing the value of their donations in areas in which they wish to build stores, and targeting charitable organizations that will improve public perception of the company and […]

News The Power of Giving

REDF Helps Ex-Cons Re-enter the Workforce

For formerly incarcerated Americans, returning to “normal” life outside of prison can be a tremendously difficult experience. Ex-cons need time to adjust back into their personal lives, not to mention combat the judgment that comes from potential employers when trying to re-enter the workforce. Reports Trymaine Lee for The Huffington Post, “Of the 7 million […]


Investment Company Factors in Charity Efforts

Large companies donating money to charitable causes is nothing new, nor are charitable organizations operated or at least started by the wealthy. Groups like the Rockefeller Foundation do a great deal of good, but other companies, from Coca-Cola to Walmart, all donate money as well. A new company, Swell Investing, has decided to take that […]


A Call for Oversight of Charities

A recent opinion piece in the New York Times called for oversight of charitable organizations in the United States. Not more oversight, but any. The piece, written by David Callahan, founder and editor of Inside Philanthropy, came after the federal government alleged that four cancer charities had defrauded donors of millions of dollars. The piece […]

Donation News

Selling Papal Motorcycles for Charity

Since Pope Francis was elected to that office in 2013, he has made a reputation for himself as a very active decision maker. He has publicized bold stances on things like economics and gender equality, and has become known as a “cool” pope, something that few people probably expected from the office before he took […]


FTC Alleges Four Charities Stole $187 Million

The Federal Trade Commission, in a joint effort with attorneys general of all 50 states, have announced that a group of charities, purportedly started to help cancer survivors, are fraudulent. The Cancer Fund for America, the Breast Cancer Society, the Children’s Cancer Fund of America, and Cancer Support Services are alleged to have defrauded donors […]