Bill Sonneborn is the head of KKR Asset Management and CEO of KKR Financial Holdings, LLC. A member of the ultimate general partner of KKR, Sonneborn has had a prestigious career, which includes past employers like the TCW Group (he was CEO of the TCW Funds, Inc.) and Goldman, Sachs & Co. And before his career even began, Bill Sonneborn had already familiarized himself with high achievement—he attended Georgetown University, from which he graduated with honors.
But his highly motivated, success-driven career hardly earns him a spotlight on Philanthropic People. No, Sonneborn merits mentioning here because of his continued involvement in non-profit organizations and philanthropic endeavors.
Bill Sonneborn was one of four business leaders elected to the Lucille Packard Board of Children’s Health Foundation in 2012. The Foundation’s vision is that “all children in the communities we serve are able to reach their maximum health potential.” Sonneborn’s three-year term with the board will enable him to assist the foundation’s’ fundraising for research, training, patient care, and pediatric and obstetric programs at Stanford University School of Medicine.
The Saint John’s Health Center Foundation is also health-focused, endeavoring to “vision, plan, initiate, and maintain structured programs of support for the Health Center’s capital, equipment and programmatic needs.” Bill Sonneborn is on the Board of Trustees, part of a volunteer leadership team that keeps Saint John’s up and running.
Sonneborn is also a Director of the Los Angeles Council of the Boy Scouts of America. The BSA is one of the country’s biggest youth development organizations, and for over a century has provided character, responsibility, citizenship, fitness, and leadership training to youth. A strong leader himself, Sonneborn is ideal for a position that enables him to pass on his experience and wisdom to many of our country’s future leaders.