
Kids of Kathmandu Invites You to ‘The Dining Project’

Kids of Kathmandu is a non-profit organization that utilizes artistic resources to raise awareness about the needs of orphans in Kathmandu, Nepal. Founded by modern furniture designer Andrew Raible and his partner, photographer Jami Saunders, Kids of Kathmandu’s mission is to raise funds to better the lives of Nepali orphans, and to increase global visibility […]


Dr. Ashok Banskota, The People’s Doctor

Imagine a life where you can’t kick a ball or run in a grassy field.  Imagine being shunned because of your physical appearance.  These are the things Dr. Ashok Banskota aims to change.  Through his selfless work in a remote Nepalese village, children are getting a shot at a new life. Though he is locally […]