Organizations Resources

9-Year-Old To Run Antarctica Marathon

Nikolas Toocheck is one astounding 9-year-old boy. He’s only in the fourth grade, yet Nikolas has competed in over 100 events and ran his first full marathon in Delaware on December 1, 2012. His next stop: Antarctica, of course! What would push a 9-year-old boy to become such an intense distance runner? He was first […]

Profiles Resources

Adam Lambert Donates “Birthday”

This year, Adam Lambert decided he didn’t need any gifts for his birthday. Instead of making his 31st a traditional celebration where people fawn and bestow unnecessary gifts, the birthday boy is asking that anyone wanting to wish him a happy birthday instead donate to the We Are Family Foundation (WAFF). Lambert is exercising his […]

Organizations Profiles

AGAPE, Featured Family Services Non-Profit

AGAPE is a non profit in Alabama that exists to provide service to children and families in need with a spirit of love and hope.  They’re a family services agency that works primarily in foster care, adoption, and counseling services for the northern 22 counties of Alabama. But that’s just a piece of the puzzle.  […]