This holiday season, businesses, individuals, and nonprofits are coming together to start a new tradition—that of Giving Tuesday. Every year, we give thanks on the fourth Thursday of November. Then, the following Friday and Monday we partake in Black Friday and Cyber Monday, bargain hunting and shopping for the holidays.
But why not add a new tradition to that list? Giving Tuesday helps us remember that being charitable is even more important around the holidays. And wouldn’t it make sense to have a day of giving following a day of thanks? This year has seen many people already doing just that; Sandy devastated millions of Americans, but also inspired many more to share their homes, money, and good fortune with those who were down on their luck.
Giving Tuesday was launched as an idea in September with about forty partners pledging to get the movement going. Now, just two months later, there are over 2,000 partners dedicated to the cause.
The best part? You get to choose how to give back. The only thing Giving Tuesday asks of us is that we find a way to give back and do it: donating to a charity, volunteering, raising awareness about a cause, or any number of other things. It doesn’t have be a monetary contribution, though donations are certainly welcome.
The hope is that all these little acts of kindness will add up to a large amount of change and a collectively charitable attitude that extends beyond just the single day. What could be a better gift than working together to create a better world for all?