On April 15th, the Boston community came together in remembrance of the terrible tragedy that shook it to the core just one year earlier. The Boston Marathon bombings of 2013 was a horrific event that killed three people, physically injured nearly 300 others, and left a mar on countless individuals from the community and beyond who were affected by the senseless violence that occurred that day. It was also an event that sparked a citywide effort to stand by one another, help the fallen, and prove just how resilient Boston is.
In the year since the bombings, charity runs were organized, funds were raised, stories were shared, and entire communities came together to support one another. People who had been severely injured didn’t have to cook their own meals for months after the event, as neighbors came and left baked cooks and suppers on their doorstep. Cards and reminders of hope flooded the survivors and families of victims, and people from all over the country sent what they could to help.
The One Fund was formed as a support system and a foundation in which donations could be dispersed among those who needed help recovering from the damaging results of that day. Those who needed intensive medical care received it free of charge, as did those who needed counseling to help them move past the horrific things they witnessed that day. The One Fund connects the survivors of the Boston Marathon bombings in order to help them find solace in a community of those who share their experiences. Says Karen, a One Fund beneficiary, “You’ll never know how much your kindness has touched us. In a time that could have been very dark your helped us to keep looking toward the light. Thank you so much,” of the efforts The One Fund and its volunteers and donors made to help so many people get through this tragedy. “This city has just come forward so much for us,” she says.
Other stories from the One Fund mirror Karen’s sentiment. Best friends and survivors Roseann and Heather said, “We lost our legs but not our spirit. Friends before 4/15 and stronger now. Thanks to One Fund donors for allowing us to stay focused on our recovery.” Another survivor, Michelle, explains,
“The people I met [through the One Fund] who helped me get through this, I feel that I will be connected to them for the rest of my life.” Others expressed gratitude in the brave police force that rushed into danger to help save lives. That bravery is indicative of the spirit of Boston, a city where no fallen friend, neighbor, or stranger is left behind.
Learn more about the One Fund, and read more survivor stories at www.onefundboston.org.