Jenna Dewan-Tatum, actress, dancer, and wife to Channing Tatum, has created a “On the Go Pouch” with the beauty brand Birchbox. Tatum and the pouch are also partnering with Baby Buggy, a charitable organization that she has been involved with since before she was a mother. This nonprofit provides essential clothing, gear, and service to families in need. “I love the idea of designing an item that will not only help mothers but that will support families in need,” she said.
“I thought it was an awesome idea to give back to mothers in need,” says Dewan-Tatum. “Getting to design something I would use was great. I’ve made the rookie mistake of leaving the house without wipes and a pacifier.” The star remembers receiving six swings as baby gifts—none of which her daughter liked, so she donated them.
The actress is trying to find a balance in her own family situation as both she and Tatum are in several films this summer. Tatum has Jupiter Ascending out in July. The two have daughter Everly together, who will turn one this May.
Dewan-Tatum says she is still getting a hold on this whole motherhood thing. “Every day is something new. Around seven months is when I turned the corner and she started sleeping longer and I had stopped filming. We were home. It became more, ‘OK, I’ve got this.’ I started feeling back more to myself,” she says.
The two have been very protective of Everly, with few photos of the child surfacing.