Donation News

Tim Springer Funds Protein Research

Tim Springer, professor and billionaire, has donated $210 million towards biomedical research. Tim Springer is a professor of immunology at Harvard University, and he made an immense fortune as a founding investor in the pharmaceutical company Moderna. He might be the the wealthiest educator in the world, worth approximately $1.9 billion grown from his initial […]

News The Power of Giving

Harvard University Earned $6 Billion in Donations and Pledges

Harvard University has officially raised more than $6 billion in gifts, pledges, and donations through its Capital Campaign, according to members of the college’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The university is two years into its public fundraising phase, and it now appears to be forging ahead robustly. The campaign’s goal is to raise $6.5 […]

Organizations Resources

A Shot at the Ivy Leagues

New York City is a hotbed for creative, talented minorities who may never make it out of Brooklyn.  This is a shame because everyone else could benefit from their immense talent.  The problem is that there are not enough resources to supplement ordinary schooling. A Harvard and Stanford study that came out this year emphasized […]