Organizations Resources

The Good Money Project: An Experiment in Kindness

David Gaz and his team at Good Virus are conducting an experiment in kindness. They’re curious to see if people can spread kindness one dollar bill at a time, which is exactly what “The Good Money Project” is all about. Using red ink and a stamp that reads, “THIS MONEY HAS BEEN USED FOR GOOD,” […]

Profiles Resources

Kid President: He’s Not In a Party, He Is a Party

Have you met the unofficial 45th U.S. President Yet? His name is Robby Novak, and he’s just ten years old. Okay, so maybe Novak isn’t a real President, but if he was, he’d certainly have that whole public approval thing down. Novak, the proudly self-appointed “Kid President,” has been rapidly gaining fans since his inspirational […]