Organizations Profiles

‘Marriage Isn’t for You’ Author: Walking Forward Through Trauma and Struggle

Marriage Isn't For You Author
Marriage Isn’t For You Author, Seth Adam Smith.
IMG: via Forward Walking

Perhaps you’ve recently stumbled upon the honest, insightful, and very viral article about how Marriage Isn’t for You. Did you know that when the piece’s author, Seth Adam Smith, isn’t penning articles for his own blog, he manages a website that serves as a virtual support center for others?

Smith, who has endured personal traumas including overcoming depression and attempted suicide, is the editor in chief of “Forward Walking,” an online space that supports people who have suffered hardships. Like others who have dedicated their lives to humanitarian work, Smith helps people using the only tools he has: a compassionate spirit and a true knack for writing. He is dedicated to supporting good causes, and his own website’s mission is inspired by the philosophies imparted by The ANASAZI Foundation.

The ANASAZI Foundation is a well-established nonprofit organization that serves individuals and families by introducing them to the healing powers of Native American cultures. Its services include outdoor behavioral healthcare programs, parenting workshops, special courses such as youth leadership expeditions, and community-based drug and alcohol abuse prevention education. Since 1988, The ANASAZI Foundation has supported individuals overcome addiction, conflict, abuse, and trauma by applying peaceable Native American philosophies.

Smith’s Forward Walking website borrows principles from The ANASAZI Foundation and “is a blog dedicated to helping people move forward through challenges, trials, and heartaches of life…by sharing the stories and insights of others who have overcome such obstacles themselves,” according to its mission. Smith, and a team of other authors, share inspiring stories, informative articles, resources, and create a safe space where people can go to seek support. The topics that Forward Walking tackles include addiction, depression, faith and spirituality, PTSD, eating disorders, relationships, and more.

The website’s name is inspired by the philosophy that one must continue walking forward as a means to overcome life’s hardships. Smith knows firsthand that a person’s individual path may be dotted with trauma and struggle, which is why he wants to create a space where people can go and find that they are not alone. Forward Walking is an example of the vision that many humanitarians share: to make the world better by carving out your own way to help others.