“All…people, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to achieve their full potential.” – Harvey Milk
June marks the celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) Pride, an annual month-long observance of LGBT history, culture, and progress towards gaining equal rights. In honor of LGBT Pride, here are four incredible nonprofit organizations that work hard to provide resources, care, and support for LGBT people.
Parents, Families, and Friends, of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) has been serving the LGBT community and straight allies for decades. According to its mission statement, “PFLAG promotes the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons, their families and friends through: support, to cope with an adverse society; education, to enlighten an ill-informed public; and advocacy, to end discrimination and to secure equal civil rights.” Its history of being especially supportive of families is something that sets PFLAG apart.
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Often called simply, The Task Force, this organization is committed to building the grassroots power of the LGBT community, and does so by training activists, reaching out to local and national organizations, and running campaigns that center on equality and rights for LGBTs. A forerunner of the broader social justice movement, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is one of the best resources out there for LGBT activists and allies.
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is one of the leading LGBT rights organizations in the country. This nonprofit strives to end discrimination against LGBT people, and has always attracted celebrities, high profile figures, and prominent LGBT activists to stand united against social injustices. HRC focuses on advocating for the LGBT community at work, under the law, and in society at large. HRC and organizations like it have taken on a huge mission, but their work is incredibly valuable.
Founded in 1973, Lambda Legal serves as a national civil rights organization that seeks to achieve LGBT equality through “litigation-based advocacy.” According to the organization’s mission, Lambda Legal “imagines a world without discrimination and inequality,” and “works to achieve that vision every day.” Often advising clients free of charge, the nonprofit is dedicated to earning justice, equality for the LGBT community.
There are hundreds upon hundreds of other nonprofits and charities that are committed to improving the quality of life for LGBT people in this country and abroad. What LGBT charities do you support?