
David Kuhn Goes the Extra (11,000) Miles for Cystic Fibrosis

David Kuhn is running across the US for cystic fibrosis
Blind, 62-year-old David Kuhn is running across the US to raise money for cystic fibrosis research.

David Kuhn from DeKalb, Illinois has made it his mission for the past few years to complete an 11,000-mile run across the United States to raise money and awareness for cystic fibrosis. At age 62, most men and women wouldn’t dream of this kind of journey, but Kuhn isn’t letting his age, or his blindness, deter him from embarking on his 11,000-mile run for charity.

Unfortunately, there is still no cure for this debilitating disease. Kuhn’s twelve-year-old granddaughter Kylie is living with cystic fibrosis, and Kuhn hopes to help raise money to expand her life expectancy as well as others’ who suffer from this chronic lung disease.  Kuhn proclaims that it is his personal mission to help his granddaughter live as long as she possibly can, and if he can do that by putting in the miles, he will.

One major obstacle that most people suspect will deter Kuhn is his blindness. Mr. Kuhn began to lose his sight at the age of 29, when he was in a car accident involving a drunk driver. Despite this handicap, Kuhn believes that it only makes him that much stronger and inclined to complete this mission. To help Kuhn throughout his journey, his website, tracks his days and his location.  Each day, Kuhn blogs about the success of his day—including the places and people he has encountered.  You can also find out more about his personal life and goals along the way, as well as a link to donate to the cause.

Kuhn’s journey began earlier this year, where he started his run in Seattle, Washington.  Seattle also marks the finish line for when his 11,000-mile run is complete. He has already banked over 80 days, traveling through Montana, Nebraska, and Minnesota. His goal is to travel the entire outline of the United States Mainland—passing through cities such as Bangor, ME; New York, NY; Jacksonville, FL; San Diego, CA, Los Angeles, CA; and of course back to Seattle, WA.

Kuhn’s goal is to raise $500,000, and with each mile he is getting that much closer.