
Most Popular Charities

Looking for a charity to donate to? With literally millions of charities to choose from, the task of finding the one you want to donate to can be a bit daunting. Not all charities were created equal, though, and there are a select few charities that have become more popular than others over the years. […]


How to Grow Your Charity

So you’ve got your own charity. You’ve garnered enough funds to operate for a year or so, have developed your values, purpose, and mission, and have an Advisory Board. What next? You may have all the basics laid out, but there’s still a lot of work to be done if you want to continue to […]

News Resources

How To Start a Charity

  Start-ups are not an uncommon thing to encounter in this day and age, for-profit and non-profit alike. More and more, people are discovering that they have a passion for something—and it’s not the corporate world. In a country where the “pursuit of happiness” is viewed as a right, why not take your passion and […]


ReThink Fabrics: Pioneer of Recycled Polyester (r-PET)

How many plastic bottles are in YOUR t-shirt? Mine is composed of about a dozen. Also, I’d venture to say that it’s probably more comfortable than yours. Lies, you say? Well, keep reading and prepare to be amazed. ReThink Fabrics is a Seattle-based r-PET clothing brand that is educating the public on rethinking waste and […]


Charity Navigator: Donate Effectively

As Americans, we love to give. As  such, thousands and thousands of charities have cropped up, and they have become hard to sift through. Enter Charity Navigator, a non-profit organization that evaluates charities. Charity Navigator would like to help people give and help the charities receive. They find great charities that are working effectively, and they connect these […]

Organizations Resources

Philanthropy: Available at a Store Near You

For a long time, causes and capitalism ran on parallel yet separate tracks: philanthropists and entrepreneurs alike worked endlessly in order to gain attention and support from the public. Companies sought profit while charities sought aid. Today more consumers are seeking products, services, and retailers that use their influence and their means to support a […]


Where Should You Volunteer?

It’s a common problem.  You want to volunteer someplace, but don’t know where to get started.  How do you find a place to volunteer?  Are you just supposed to hit the internet and Google things like “soup kitchen,” or “build houses” in your area?  Are you supposed to look up charities you’ve vaguely heard of, […]