Donation News Organizations

Rihanna Pledges $15M for Climate Equality

Rihanna is pledging $15 million to fight climate change and environmental inequity, through her Clara Lionel Foundation. The singer founded the Clara Lionel Foundation in 2012, naming it after her grandparents. Its first major tackle was Hurricane Sandy, when the CLF supported relief efforts by the Food Bank of NYC throughout New England. This latest […]

Donation News Organizations The Power of Giving

Jack Dorsey Donates Another $15M to Mayors for a Guaranteed Income

“I’m now convinced that the simplest approach will prove to be the most effective – the solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a now widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income.” – Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. Inspired directly by the words of MLK, and by the struggles of his own youth […]

Donation News Organizations

Jack Dorsey Gives $5M to Andrew Yang’s Universal Basic Income Experiment

In early March, while governments were still figuring out how seriously to take the COVID-19 crisis, Andrew Yang seems to have seen the writing on the wall. The former Presidential candidate launched Humanity Forward, a nonprofit focused on continuing the promises of his platform, especially Universal Basic Income (UBI) and data privacy by encouraging new […]