Organizations Resources

Free the Children Streamlines Using DocuSign

When people think of the uses for eSignature platforms like DocuSign, they often think of a company that helps businesses and governments with paperwork. And that’s true—DocuSign, which CEO and founder Keith Krach says now has over 13 million unique users, does help a lot of businesses and governments, small and large, go digital with […]

Organizations Profiles

Tammy Tibbetts Changes the World With Cupcakes and Content

When Tammy Tibbetts was 23, she worked as a web content manager for a women’s magazine.  She loved seeing first hand how social media can create change in how we accomplish things and connect with others.  When she became frustrated by an article on teen pregnancy in Liberia, she realized she wanted to help promote […]

Organizations Resources

How To Get Into Nonprofit Work

We often talk about how to donate properly to charity, how to choose which charity to support, and how important it is to be involved in charity work. But we don’t often talk about those who are behind the scenes in the hundreds and thousands of nonprofit organizations out there. Giving back can also be […]