
Top 10 online scams from the BBB


How Not to Get Scammed By “Charity” Donations

We would love to say that everyone in the world is good and no one would rip people off under the pretense of being a charity… but that’s simply not true. Last week, a woman from Tacoma, Washington stole from a Christmas tree charity sale that intended for all profits to go toward improving local […]


Lady Elisabeth Murdoch Remembered

Born in 1909 in Melbourne, Australia, Elisabeth Murdoch (nee Greene) was 103 when she passed away. Even as a young woman, she volunteered to knit clothes for babies in a nearby hospital, helping those who couldn’t help themselves. When she was 18, she met and later married 42-year-old Keith Murdoch, with whom she had four […]


Comfort Dogs Sent to Sandy Hook Survivors

While the nation struggled to digest the tragedy at Newtown’s Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy, ten golden retrievers were travelling 800 miles to comfort survivors, families, and community members. They are known as the Lutheran Church Charities’ Comfort Dogs, and they have one mission: helping people cope with grief. And those affected by Sandy Hook certainly […]


New York Combat Sambo Blood Drive for Sandy

In the month and a half since Sandy hit New York City, residents of New York, Long Island, Hudson Valley, and New Jersey went through 6,000 units of blood provided by the New York Blood Center (NYBC). Stores are low, but the need for blood has not abated, and NYBC desperately needs more donors to […]

Organizations Resources

Mothers2mothers is out to save the world

Mothers2mothers really is out to save the world. They are an NGO that works to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV. In other words, they want to ensure that women who have HIV and are pregnant receive the proper treatments to prevent genetic transmission. By providing care that is often denied, m2m is empowering women and […]


The Milken Institute – Bringing leaders throughout the world together

If ever there was a group that was determined to make the world a better  place, the Milken Institute would be one.  Actively determined to improving lives around the world, they partner with leaders in every possible field and enterprise to advance innovate economic and policy solutions that create jobs and enhance health.  Many of […]

Organizations Resources

Five Influential People of 2012

2012 has been a year full of influential people doing good in the world, and we’re proud to add five people to our list. These five people have made a world of difference this year, and we expect they will continue to do so for years to come: Salman Khan didn’t start out with an […]

Organizations Resources

Giving on the Rise in UK

Things are looking up for philanthropy—at least in the UK they are. A recent study by Coutts Institute, “The Million Pound Donors Report 2012,” found that the number of donations of over £1 million is at the highest level in five years. Over 232 donations for more than £1 million were made to philanthropic organizations […]


People Who Give Back to Education

There are some among the wealthy that simply keep what they earn, not feeling it necessary to give back. But then there are those like Henry R. Kravis and George Roberts, founders of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR), who highly value the education they received and never hesitate to give big and often. For […]