Donation News The Power of Giving

The Right Gifts for the Homeless

If you live in or near a big city, chances are you’re fairly accustomed to seeing homeless people. With colder weather already settled in and the holidays coming up, now would be a good time to spend some time putting together care packages for the homeless people in your area who could really use your […]


Parolees Get a Second Chance in Detroit, Chicago, New York

It probably comes as no surprise that many parolees return to society without much of a support network—and certainly without a job. But businesses and organizations around the country are aiming to change all that. In New York City, the J.C. Flowers Foundation’s Circles of Support program provides moral support and job-readiness training for parolees […]

News The Power of Giving

Michael Jordan Donates Lawsuit Settlement to Charity

Basketball legend Michael Jordan—whom you probably know best from the iconic 1996 film Space Jam—is handing over the $8.9 million he was awarded in a recent settlement to local nonprofits that help Chicago area children. Jordan plans to donate the money next summer. Jordan was awarded the money in a successful lawsuit against grocery chains […]

News The Power of Giving

How to Get Your Kids to Volunteer

Raising children with the expectation that they will give back to their communities is important, and not just because you want to give them things to put on their resumes or eventual college applications. Teaching children the value of volunteer work teaches them to value what they have, to appreciate their own lives and find […]

Donation News The Power of Giving

Millennials Prefer Volunteering to Donation

Millennials, those people who are now between the ages of 18 and 34, tend to get a bad wrap. They are often accused of not working hard enough, or expecting too much out of the opportunities they do have. Some older folk seem to think that all millennials are self-important children, who think they’re important […]

Resources The Power of Giving

How to Make Health-Based Philanthropy Work

Many of us have a desire to save the world in whatever way we can—that’s why philanthropy is so important and widespread. But what’s the most effective way to approach health initiatives? It’s all good and well to throw money at a problem, or even try to swoop in and save the day—but will that […]


U.N. Predicts Increased Need for Humanitarian Aid over Next 6 Months

The United Nations recently released a report, titled “Alert, Early Warning and Readiness Report,” which details their assessment of current or potential global crises in the next six months. These crises are likely to require billions in humanitarian aid because frankly, things aren’t looking good. They highlighted political conflicts, either current or forthcoming, that could […]


Student Hunger Drive Collects Over 650,000 Pounds of Food For Families In Need

Eighteen widely scattered high schools in have a thirty year tradition to uphold together. And it’s not a football game or a senior prank, not school trips or a party. It’s charity, on a grand scale. For a six-week span every autumn from the beginning of October to mid-November, the eighteen schools compete to see […]


Pakistan Bans Media Coverage of Terrorist Linked Charity

As of November 3rd, Islamist charity Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) and 59 other organizations cannot be covered by Pakistani media. The groups in question are known to have ties to terrorist groups such as al-Qaida. Jamaat-ud-Dawa in particular is suspected of planning the three day terrorist siege of Mumbai, India’s financial capital, in 2008 which killed at […]


Further Malaria Studies Needed Before Approval

Ongoing global efforts to tackle the deadly malaria disease have taken a positive turn as a vaccine is one step closer to reality. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) and the Malaria Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) announced that the RTS,S malaria vaccine (also known as Mosquirix) will be […]