Donation News

Meijer Donates $1M to Clean Great Lakes

Meijer is donating $1 million to the Council of the Great Lakes Region (CGLR) to help clean up beaches and waterways in the northern Midwest. Meijer is the largest grocery chain in the American Midwest, headquartered in Walker, Michigan and with over 250 stores in six states. The company, which was founded in 1934, is […]


Elon Musk Helps Fix Flint Water Crisis

Back in July, Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted that he would help fix the water quality issues in Flint, Michigan. “Please consider this a commitment that I will fund fixing the water in any house in Flint that has water contamination above FDA levels. No kidding,” he tweeted, in response to a follower saying it […]


Detroit Institute of Arts Secures Nonprofit Funding

Culture is an important part of cities, and the arts are an important part of culture. That’s why cities like Detroit need to protect museums and galleries even when money is tight. Recently, a federal judge approved Detroit’s bankruptcy plan, which allows the city to eliminate $7 billion in debt, paying creditors pennies on the […]

Organizations Profiles

Michigan Teens Take Action

In the late 1990’s, the Kellogg Foundation issued a challenge in Michigan called the Michigan Community Youth Foundations Project.  The foundation would match 50% of funds raised by young people in order to create an endowment fund for community projects.  Today, the fund created by teens is worth $40 million altogether and awards up to […]