
This Nonprofit Wants to Teach 20,000 Women to Code by 2020

Fed up with how slow progress has been, a U.K.-based charity is going full throttle on closing the gender wage gap in tech. Code First: Girls, located in Britain, is an award-winning nonprofit dedicated to teaching free computer programming skills to women. The organization recently made headlines when it announced its 20:20 campaign—an initiative to […]


Trump Wants to Shut Down His Charity Foundation, But Can’t Due to Ongoing Investigation

In December 2016, Donald Trump promised to terminate his charity, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, in order to avoid any possible conflicts of interest during his presidency. In an effort to make good on that promise, the Foundation announced its intent to shut down in a 2016 IRS document that was submitted this month. There’s […]


Bill Gates is Putting $100 Million Towards Finding a Cure for Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, with symptoms that range from mild short-term memory loss to being unable to manage basic self-care functions or remember one’s own life. It is incurable, and affects more than 1 in 20 people over the age of 65, worldwide. Bill Gates, billionaire and philanthropist, says that […]


Billionaire Tom Steyer Gives $2.3 Million to Pro-Immigration Orgs

An individual arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is in a particularly vulnerable position in United States law. To begin with, they have no right to counsel. So while as many as 20% may have mitigating circumstances that make their case to remain valid, most have no access at all to legal advice on […]


Rivals GM and Ford Form Partnership in the Name of Charity

General Motors Company and Ford Motor Company have a long, contentious history between them, a rivalry called “the hundred-year” war by some. Founded only 72 miles and five years apart in the Detroit area, the two have battled over profits, market-share, and the American image for over a century. It is this inextricably linked history […]


Investor David Tepper Donates $3 Million to Feeding America

Over 200 centralized food banks comprise the nationwide network of Feeding America, which supplements food to nearly 50 million people via 60,000 food pantries and meal delivery programs in the U.S. The entire network has been strained to the breaking point this autumn, by the hurricane disasters in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico. In a […]


Coca-Cola Pledges $6.3 Million in Hurricane Relief Funds

Coca-Cola pledged in mid-September to donate $2 million to the American Red Cross for hurricane relief after Harvey and Irma, and further said that they would match all employee donations up to an additional $100,000. Now, in the wake of Maria’s crushing blow to the Caribbean and the two destructive earthquakes in Mexico, Coca-Cola has […]


For These Business Leaders, Philanthropy Is Personal

There’s a lot of talk about high-profile philanthropists like Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffett, and Mark Zuckerberg. But for every Bill Gates, there are a dozen other business leaders who are quietly doing the right thing and donating their time and money to organizations they find meaningful. Let’s meet a few high-level business leaders […]


Oxfam Rents Trump’s Childhood Home to Refugees

In a Tudor-style home in Queens, New York, Donald Trump spent his earliest years. Today, an anonymous owner rents it out through AirBnB for $750 a night. Apparently, that’s what people pay to stay in an awkwardly-decorated house with a picture of 45 on each wall. The owner, who bought it in March of this […]


As Houston Recovers from Harvey, Don’t Forget About Rockport

The whole world is hearing about Houston in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, but Rockport, Texas, the city where the eye of the storm actually struck shore, tends to be referred to as a footnote. And that has only intensified after Irma’s damaging sweep across Florida. But Rockport’s need is no less. A small city […]