, known as “the world’s platform for change,” is the single largest petition platform, representing a massive network of people who desire to spark change. From human rights issues, to economic justice, to gay rights, has served countless individuals since its 2012 creation by founder rattray. Now, is offering another opportunity to create […]
Tag: change
Melinda Gates Uses Her Power for Good
The list of the world’s most powerful women by Forbes has listed Melinda Gates at position number 3. Melinda Gates is the co-founder and chair of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the largest grant giving foundation in the United States. The Foundation has existed for 13 years and holds $34 billion in assets. Goals […]
When Tammy Tibbetts was 23, she worked as a web content manager for a women’s magazine. She loved seeing first hand how social media can create change in how we accomplish things and connect with others. When she became frustrated by an article on teen pregnancy in Liberia, she realized she wanted to help promote […]