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Orange Sky Laundry Helps Those In Need

Orange Sky Laundry
Lucas Patchett and Nicholas Marchesi, friends and founders of Orange Sky Laundry in Australia.

When you’re down on your luck, sometimes it’s the little things that mean the most. At Philanthropic People, we’ve discussed inspiring services that restore dignity to those in need, featuring individuals who know that just the simple act of reaching out in a small way can mean so much. Mark Bustos took his skills as a stylist to the streets of New York to cut hair for the homeless, for example; similarly, Cathy O’Grady’s everyday acts of kindness impact her community and inspire a pay-it-forward mentality.

In Australia, two young men decided that giving back meant reaching out to the local homeless community and empowering these people one load of laundry at a time. Friends Lucas Patchett and Nicholas Marchesi founded Orange Sky Laundry in July, 2014 to improve the hygiene standards and restore dignity to the homeless population in their area. In just a few months, their compassionate idea has really grown, and shaped a culture of giving in their community.

“Lucas Patchett and Nicholas Marchesi wanted to help the homeless in Brisbane, Australia, so they bought an old van, installed two washing machines and two dryers, and rode around the city offering a mobile laundry service,” reports Fast Company of the duo’s efforts to help their community. “Four months later, they have 120 volunteers, sponsorship from major corporations, and a lot of publicity.”

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“We are run by volunteers,” explains Orange Sky Laundry. “We want to harness the energy of 18-30 year olds who are keen but struggle to find simple ways to help people in need.” The greater mission of Orange Sky Laundry is to raise health standards, restore respect, and reduce the strain on resources locally, and the organization is a testament to the creativity and philanthropic vision that young people possess. Patchett and Marchesi took a thoughtful idea and turned it into a charitable organization that many people are drawn to and want to participate in.

Patchett and Marchesi hope to expand Orange Sky Laundry services across Australia by the end of 2015. Learn more about their project and how to get involved by visiting

Images: via Instagram.