
Funding Leadership Training in the Nonprofit Sector

Leadership training and education is an important part of keeping nonprofits healthy, especially when it comes to transitioning between CEOs or other major leadership positions. The problem is, different organizations take different views on what kind of training is needed and funders have different ideas of what kind of training is worth funding. But according […]

Organizations Resources

Alternatives in Action Fosters Leadership Among Bay Area Youth

Alternatives in Action (AIA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping youth in the Bay Area realize their leadership potential. Founded in 1994 with the vision of bettering the quality of life for children and teens in the greater Bay Area, AIA has spent the last two decades empowering young people through educational and community-based […]

Organizations Resources

A Shot at the Ivy Leagues

New York City is a hotbed for creative, talented minorities who may never make it out of Brooklyn.  This is a shame because everyone else could benefit from their immense talent.  The problem is that there are not enough resources to supplement ordinary schooling. A Harvard and Stanford study that came out this year emphasized […]

Organizations Profiles

Michigan Teens Take Action

In the late 1990’s, the Kellogg Foundation issued a challenge in Michigan called the Michigan Community Youth Foundations Project.  The foundation would match 50% of funds raised by young people in order to create an endowment fund for community projects.  Today, the fund created by teens is worth $40 million altogether and awards up to […]

Organizations Profiles Resources

Henry Kravis Leadership Prize Goes to Olympian Johann Olav Koss

Four-time Olympic gold medalist Johann Olav Koss is considered one of the best speed skaters the world has ever seen. But he’s done more than win Olympic gold medals for his athletic skills: he’s also the founder of Right To Play, an international nonprofit organization that uses the power of play to help children overcome […]

Organizations Resources

The Posse Foundation

The Posse Foundation was founded in 1989 to identify high school students with “extraordinary academic and leadership potential” that may otherwise be overlooked by colleges and universities during the selection process. Posse is now one of the best youth leadership development programs in the nation. In the twenty years since it began, Posse partner colleges […]