
Sandy Hook Charity Missing $70,000 in Donations

Here’s a familiar story: a national disaster leads to the formation of several new charity groups and the mass donation of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some of the charities are found to be fraudulent, while others are legitimate. Months later, reports surface of tens of thousands of dollars found “missing” from charities. Investigations ensue. […]

Organizations Resources

Philanthropic People: Matthew Manos and verynice

Young entrepreneur and self-described “neo-philanthropist” Matthew Manos is something of a humanitarian and business rebel. He is dedicated to disrupting current economic models that make it impossible for nonprofits to achieve the greatest social impact, and at only 25 years old, Manos has found enormous success by carving out his own path and remaining dedicated […]

Organizations Resources

The One Fund Receives Additional $12 Million for Boston Marathon Victims

On April 16th, 2013, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino announced the formation of The One Fund Boston, an organization created to support victims and families of the tragic Boston Marathon bombing. After the horrific events of Marathon Monday, Boston famously united as one community to support those most affected by the […]

Organizations Resources

ATP World Tour Nominates 9 Charities for ATP Aces for Charity Grants 2014

The Association of Tennis Professionals, ATP, was created in 1972, a formation of the world’s leading professional tennis players into one association. With the unifying goal of “changing the game for the better,” the group established a computer ranking system to accurately analyze players’ performances and determine tournament entries. Today, that ranking system is the […]

Profiles Resources

Mark Zuckerberg Made the Largest Donation of 2013

Whatever your opinion might be of Mark Zuckerberg after the release of the Hollywoodized story of Facebook’s birth, there can be no question that he’s put a lot of his wealth into good causes. The founder of the world’s largest social media website and his wife donated 18 million shares of Facebook to charity both […]


Giving, for Your Health

We already know that helping others feels good, but new research provides evidence that philanthropy also provides very real health benefits. In Leslie Goldman’s “4 Amazing Health Benefits of Helping Others,” she details the physical advantages associated with humanitarian work. Here are four more fantastic reasons to help others: You’ll Lengthen Your Lifespan. “A 2013 […]


2013’s Philanthropic Buzzwords

Lucy Bernholz, an author and scholar from Stanford University, recently published a list of the top philanthropy-related “buzzwords” of 2013. These words embody the trends the world of philanthropy saw this past year, as well as where those trends will lead next. Here are Bernholz’s picks for “Philanthropy’s 2013 Buzzwords“: “Privacy.” Privacy is what Bernholz […]

Profiles Resources

Kid President: He’s Not In a Party, He Is a Party

Have you met the unofficial 45th U.S. President Yet? His name is Robby Novak, and he’s just ten years old. Okay, so maybe Novak isn’t a real President, but if he was, he’d certainly have that whole public approval thing down. Novak, the proudly self-appointed “Kid President,” has been rapidly gaining fans since his inspirational […]


Are Hackathons the Future of Nonprofit Branding?

Where do budding nonprofit organizations look to when trying to build their brand? Graphic and web design can be a costly investment, for emerging, penny-pinching charities and established ones alike. Many design firms have a longstanding history of offering pro bono services as their way of giving back to charitable organizations. A newer trend however, […]

Profiles Resources

High-Profile Chef, Jeff Ansorge, is the New Soup Kitchen Savior

You might envision mushy, lumpy potatoes or overcooked, limp vegetables when you think of the food served at a Salvation Army soup kitchen.  If you went to the one in St. Paul, Minneapolis, you would be very wrong.  Instead, think about pan-seared salmon that has been caramelized to give it a better “flavor profile.”  Think […]