Organizations Resources

Doris Duke Foundation to Award $1.6 Million in Art Grants

The Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art (DDFIA) has recently announced grants totaling more than $1 million to help foster the public’s understanding of Muslim culture, through the arts. The DDFIA, a foundation supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, “announced grants totaling $1.6 million in support of arts-focused efforts to increase public understanding of […]


6 Tips on Becoming an Ethical Shopper

While a lot of us may know in the back of our minds that a lot of the food or clothes we purchase may not be ethically made, a lot of us choose to forget it. Not everyone has money to donate or time to volunteer, but you can help make a change by paying […]

Organizations Resources

The Good Money Project: An Experiment in Kindness

David Gaz and his team at Good Virus are conducting an experiment in kindness. They’re curious to see if people can spread kindness one dollar bill at a time, which is exactly what “The Good Money Project” is all about. Using red ink and a stamp that reads, “THIS MONEY HAS BEEN USED FOR GOOD,” […]

Organizations Resources

Olivia Wilde Rethinks Philanthropy with Conscious Commerce

When most people think of Olivia Wilde, the first thing that comes to mind probably isn’t philanthropy. The actress, known for her work in film and television, might not strike many as the entrepreneurial or philanthropic type, but Wilde is actually becoming a growing force for humanitarian ingenuity. Wilde has been involved in some popular […]

Organizations Resources

The Easter Seals Blake Foundation Fosters Compassion and Advocacy for Those In Need

The Easter Seals Blake Foundation (ESBF) has been on a mission to spread help, hope and answers to its Southern Arizona community for more than six decades. Originally formed in 1950 as the Cerebral Palsy Foundation of Southern Arizona, the ESBF has since expanded its services to provide a deeper community impact. Over time, the […]

Organizations Resources

Philanthropic Nonprofits are Polished at Marissa Sackler’s Beespace

In the last few years, the world of philanthropy has seen a major influx of “incubators” – businesses that operate for the sole purpose of helping other nonprofits or entrepreneurs find success in their fields. These incubators have been in business with for-profit companies for a while, but only more recently have there been incubators […]

Organizations Resources

Meet the Class of 2014: Forbes’ 30 Under 30 Social Entrepreneurs

Earlier this month, Forbes introduced its “30 Under 30: Social Entrepreneurs, Class of 2014,” a group of young, inspirational, and driven humanitarians. Forbes calls theses leading social entrepreneurs an “elite group [with] conviction and talent, as well as a proven business model for bettering the world,” and expressed the difficulty in narrowing down hundreds of […]

Organizations Resources

Gaming for Good Raises $10 Million for Children in Africa

Gaming isn’t generally thought of something someone does for the good of others – that isn’t always the case though. Bachir Boumaaza, known online as Athene, is a Belgian YouTube personality and social activist. Boumaaza recognized that there are people in the world who need his help, and he wanted to give back. He put […]

Organizations Resources

Philanthropic Foundations to Watch in 2014

The Chronicle of Philanthropy recently released its “Foundations to Watch in 2014” roundup, an annual summary of the most prominent philanthropic foundations that are likely to lead the pack over the next twelve months. The summary is filled with philanthropic heavyweights, but also notes some changes in leadership at the foremost foundations, and includes one […]

Organizations Resources

The Denver Art Museum Receives a Massive Gift from An Unlikely Art Collector

At first glance, Frederic C. Hamilton may seem an unlikely fine art aficionado. After all, the philanthropist made his fortune in oil production and real estate, and is a most known for his business-related dealings. A lesser-known fact about Hamilton, who is widely considered to be one of America’s “oil pioneers,” however, is that he […]