Organizations Profiles Resources

Henry Kravis Leadership Prize Goes to Olympian Johann Olav Koss

Four-time Olympic gold medalist Johann Olav Koss is considered one of the best speed skaters the world has ever seen. But he’s done more than win Olympic gold medals for his athletic skills: he’s also the founder of Right To Play, an international nonprofit organization that uses the power of play to help children overcome […]


Inflatable Colon Increases Awareness of Colorectal Cancer

When it comes to medical concerns, we humans have an alarming tendency to not admit to problems that may be embarrassing. Unfortunately, those problems can sometimes be very severe, like colorectal cancer—which is the combined name for both colon and rectal cancers. Colorectal is the third most diagnosed cancer in the United States and causes […]

Organizations Resources

Endangered Species Day

Forty years ago, the Endangered Species Act was introduced as a way to protect species on the verge of extinction. This year marks the eighth year that Endangered Species Day will be celebrated in the U.S. It was started by the U.S. Senate and is celebrated on the third Friday in May every year. To […]

Organizations Profiles Resources

Hunger in America Growing

According to Feeding America, the United States has many more hungry citizens than it used to. The nonprofit organization is now feeding about 50% more people than it did in 2006, and though more people have stepped up to help, there are still far too many hungry families in the nation. Today, about 1 in […]

Profiles Resources

Thomas Uger Profile

One business executive who is doing big things in the philanthropy world is Thomas Uger, co-head of KKR’s Media and Communications industry team in North America. Uger received his B.A. from the prestigious Dartmouth College, and since then he’s kept himself active in the philanthropy scene. The Dutchess Land Conservancy has a mission to protect […]

Organizations Resources

Sandy Relief Foundation Facing Scrutiny

Nearly four months after Superstorm Sandy hit the east coast, one major charity is having its operations and motives questioned. The Sandy Relief Foundation raised about $1 million in the wake of the storm, but according to an investigation by the Asbury Park Press, few of those funds have been released. It’s also not a […]

Organizations Resources

Can Philanthropy Save the World?

  Last week, Bill Gates and Carlos Slim Helu joined forces to support the opening of the new International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. The two men are among the wealthiest people in the world, and though they came together on this occasion they have opposing viewpoints when it comes to philanthropy as a whole. […]

Profiles Resources

Olivia Newton-John Profile

Most people know Olivia Newton-John for her voice and her role opposite John Travolta in Grease. But since her Hollywood days, Olivia has connected with some of the more important things in life—like staying alive. A breast cancer survivor, Olivia Newton-John has spent much of her time in recent years supporting the cause. “I am […]

Organizations Resources

V-Day Launches One Billion Rising

Today is the 15th anniversary of V-Day, a global initiative to end violence against women and girls. According to its website, V-Day is “a catalyst that promotes creative events to increase awareness, raise money, and revitalize the spirit of existing anti-violence organizations. V-Day generates broader attention for the fight to stop violence against women and […]

Organizations Resources

9-Year-Old To Run Antarctica Marathon

Nikolas Toocheck is one astounding 9-year-old boy. He’s only in the fourth grade, yet Nikolas has competed in over 100 events and ran his first full marathon in Delaware on December 1, 2012. His next stop: Antarctica, of course! What would push a 9-year-old boy to become such an intense distance runner? He was first […]